Replacement board for Model A-14039 boards.
We have designed a replacement for those WPC DMD Controller Boards which are well known for burning PCB under the high voltage section. Our replacement board has a number of improvements to overcome these issues, including larger heatsinks which are spaced further apart, 10 Watt resistors instead of 5 Watt and they are spaced above the pcb with ceramic spacers to improve ventilation. All of the logic section has been remade using surface mount components.

Suits the following titles.
- Adams Family
- Adams Family Gold
- Black Rose
- Corvette
- Creature From the Black Lagoon
- Demolition Man
- Dirty Harry
- Dr. Who
- Dracula
- Fish Tales
- Flintstones
- Funhouse
- Gilligan's Island
- Harley Davidson
- Hurricane
- Indiana Jones
- Indianapolis 500
- Jackbot (DMD Version Games Only)
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Judge Dredd
- No Fear
- Party Zone
- Popeye
- Road Show
- Slugfest
- Star Trek the Next Generation
- Terminator 2
- The Getaway
- The Machine BOP
- The Shadow
- Theater of Magic
- Twilight Zone
- White Water
- Who Dunnit
- World Cup Soccer '94
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