Konami 054544 / 054986A Reproduction Modules
I have reproduced the Konami modules for the below games. Replacing these modules has become a must as the original modules are covered in a conformal coating and the surface mount electrolytic capacitors are failing and corroding the very thin tracks away. Left for long enough they will even damage the game board that they are installed in.
The modules do not come with the DAC or the ASIC chips, they need to be taken off the old module and installed onto the new one, so being comfortable with surface mount rework is a must to successfully change this module.
These reproduction boards have been designed so that all components are located on the top side of the board, unlike the original board and some of the other reproductions out there which has components on both the top and bottom of the board. Our modules use only Tantalum capacitors which eliminates the possibility of capacitors leaking corrosive materials in the event of failure.
054544 Module
- X-Men
- Xerex

You can purchase these modules from https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Konami-054544-reproduction-sound-module/184482910615
054986A Module
- G.I. Joe
- Lethal Enforcers
- Bucky O' Hare
- Gaiapolis
- Martial Champion
- Metamorphic Force
- Monster Maulers
- Mystic Warriors
- Polygonet Commanders
- Premiere Soccer
- Run & Gun
- Violent Storm
- Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa

You can purchase these modules from https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Konami-054986-reproduction-sound-module/184520757193.